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Dressage and jumping

On My Horsez, you can train your horses for competitions in the basic disciplines: dressage and jumping.

Why should I obtain stars in dressage and jumping?

The more stars your horse has, the more skill points it will give to their offspring.
More skill points means that the horse performs better in competitions.

How to obtain dressage and jumping stars

Training and competing for dressage and show jumping consists of 3 parts:

  • School your horse
    You school your horse 1o times successfully in de lunging circle, so you can start training in dressage and jumping.

  • Training
    You train the required amount of training sessions you need for a star.

  • Riding competitions
    If you have the required amount of training sessions for the star, you can achieve the star by riding a competition.

How this works will be further explained below.

School your horse

A horse that is 3 years old or older will have to be schooled before you can train it. You can school your horse in the lunging circle (you can build one on your ranch via the contractor in Ridechapel, or you can rent a lunging circle through the menu > rent > lunging circle). A horse must be successfully schooled 10 times before you can train it. On the horse profile, you can see how many times your horse has been successful.

To school a horse, the horse must meet the following requirements:
  • Stabled
  • Hunger at least 20%
  • Thirst at least 20%
  • Healthy (i.e. not sick)
  • Not resting
  • Not already schooled
  • Not pregnant
  • Is yours or on loan with training rights
  • Be fully tacked up


After your horse has been successfully schooled, you can train your horse in dressage and jumping. You do this by riding lessons via the saddle icon in the menu (train page). You can train your horse every 3 minutes. The goal is to train your horse to the next star. For each star, you need a certain number of training sessions. How many training sessions your horse needs for the next star can be seen on its horse profile under ‘Train points’.

To be able to train your horse, your horse must meet the following requirements:
  • The horse must be three years old
  • The horse is stabled
  • The horse is 100% healthy and has no injuries (= not at rest)
  • The horse is fully tacked up
  • The horse is schooled
  • The horse has at least 20% on its hunger bar
  • The horse has at least 20% on its thirst bar
  • The horse is not pregnant
  • The horse is on loan with the correct loan rights or not on loan
  • The horse must not already be registered for a lesson
  • The horse is not busy with another action (trail ride, fitness training etc)
If you go to your horse, you can see in the horse profile under train status (at the bottom) why you cannot train with a particular horse.

Number of training sessions needed per horse star

The more stars your horse has, the more training it needs for his next star. You can see an overview below:
  • star 1 = 1 training session
  • star 2 = 17 training sessions
  • star 3 = 34 training sessions
  • star 4 = 51 training sessions
  • star 5 = 68 training sessions
  • star 6 = 85 training sessions
  • star 7 = 102 training sessions
  • star 8 = 119 training sessions
  • star 9 = 136 training sessions
  • star 10 = 153 training sessions
  • star 11 = 170 training sessions
  • star 12 = 187 training sessions
  • star 13 = 204 training sessions
  • star 14 = 221 training sessions
  • star 15 = 238 training sessions

training costs

Here you can find a clear overview of the training costs per star. Please note: 1 star stands for from star 0 to star 1, so the costs your horse incurs when it has 0 stars are listed under 1, because you are training towards star 1.

Own arena

Without own arena



If you do not have your own indoor or outdoor arena on your ranch, you can have your horse trained at a pony club. If you take lessons at a pony club, you will have to pay the costs of the lesson as well as the arena rent. This is standard 15 coins. In the indoor arena, training takes 1:40 minute, in the outdoor arena 2:00 minutes. The system always selects the indoor arena if available.

Your own ranch

You can also train your horses in your own arena. The advantage of this is that the cost of training is lower. You get a 5 coins discount on the lesson price. The lesson prices shown when you register still include the 5 coins pony club arena rental. Only when you take the lesson will the 5 coins discount be deducted. Again: In the indoor arena a lesson takes 1:40 minutes, in the outdoor arena 2:00 minutes. The system always selects the indoor arena if available.


There are 2 costs when you go for lessons, the rental of the riding arena, this money goes to the owner of the pony club, and the price for the lesson itself, this money goes to your instructor. How much the lesson costs depends on your horse's number of stars.
Basic price own arena: 10 coins. Base price pony club arena: 15 coins. Price per star up to 10th star: +5 coins per star. Price per star from 11th star: +3 coins per star.

So, training a horse with 3 stars in the outdoor arena of a pony club costs 15 + (5*3) = 30 coins.
Example 1: Horse, 7 jumping stars. 15 + 5 * 7 = 50 coins
Example 2: Horse, 15 stars dressage. 15 + 5 * 10 + 3 * 5 = 80 coins
Example 3: Horse, 20 stars dressage. 15 + 5 * 10 + 3 * 10 = 95 coins

If there is no one online who can teach your horse, you can take lessons from the computer. This is faster (the lesson is given immediately), but training always takes 3:00 minutes.


If you enter a competition when your horse had enough training sessions for the next star, it will get the star after riding the competition. If you finish in the top three, you will earn coins for getting the star.

You can register the horse for a competition on the horse profile under the heading ‘competitions’. To register a horse, it must be completely healthy, vaccinated, fully tacked up and in its stable. It is also compulsory to have your horse's grooming in order (coat + mane + hooves above 90%).

A competition is ridden when there are 10 participants. The results are sent out every 10 minutes. You can re-register your horse for another competition immediately after the results if you wish.

Registration fees

As you move up a competition level with the horse, the competition fees become higher. This is because the competition fees are roughly the average of the lesson fees at that level. However, you can very easily earn 2 training points with a competition if you do not promote, so it is always wise to regularly register your horse for a competition.
Below is an overview of the registration fees per level:
  • Level 0 (0 - 1 star): 15 coins
  • Level 1 (2 - 4 stars): 30 coins
  • Level 2 (5 - 8 stars): 50 coins
  • Level 3 (9 - 20 stars): 80 coins
  • Level 4 (21 - 30 stars): 110 coins

Getting stars

To earn a star, your horse must have earned the minimum number of training points. The minimum number of training points can be found on the horse's profile.

There is also a minimum number of points to earn a star. The formula is 500 + (25 * number of stars) and is detailed below. An example is a horse that has 3 dressage stars and is entered for dressage star 4. You then enter the 4, in the formula: 500 + (25 * 4) which works out to 600. So to earn the fourth star, you have to see the horse score a minimum of 600 points on the protocol.

Formula: 500 + (25 * number of stars)

  • Star 0: 500
  • Star 1: 525
  • Star 2: 550
  • Star 3: 575
  • Star 4: 600
  • Star 5: 625
  • Star 6: 650
  • Star 7: 675
  • Star 8: 700
  • Star 9: 725
  • Star 10: 750


On My Horsez, you receive a protocol after riding competitions. This shows the points you gained while riding the competition. The points are divided as follows:

  • Wellfare: hunger + thirst + happiness
  • Grooming: hooves + coat + mane
  • Riding technique of the rider: number of training sessions the rider attended at an equestrian center
  • Gait and technique of the horse:
    dressage competition: obedience, strength and agility.
    Show jumping competition: stamina, speed and strength
  • Test execution: training points gained by the horse during lessons at a pony club
  • Bonus points: bonus points gained from special tack or barn buddies and 'luck' between 0-50 points.

The number of points for ‘Test execution’ determines whether the horse is promoted to the next star or not. If you do not promote, you get 2 training points, because your horse has learned from the competition.

Stars and skill points

For every star your horse has, it will give a skill points bonus to their offspring.

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Are you crazy about horses and can't get enough of them? Then you are completely at home here. In this horse game, you can build your own ranch and breed as many horses as you want. If you feel like a competition, you can compete against other horse lovers. Take a look at the horse market where you can buy horses and shop in the rider's shop for the most beautiful bridles, saddles, and blankets for your horses. When you create an account, you immediately get a horse to take care of. You start at the online horse game with a ranch, a mobile home, and three stables, but you can expand that to a beautiful villa with multiple stables. You can fill those stables with the most beautiful horses and foals that you can breed yourself in many different colors with the help of colour genetics. Progress through various levels and unlock all kinds of new areas and cities. The possibilities are endless.

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