My Horsez - Wiki - Breeding

Wiki » Horses » Breeding



To breed, you must have at least the following:
  • A mare
  • A stallion
  • A breeding pasture
  • A free stable (for the foal)

Requirements mare and stallion

To breed, the stallion and mare must meet certain requirements:
  • The horse must be between 3 and 25 years old.
  • The mare and stallion must be the same breed.
  • The horse's health must be at 100%.
  • The horse's hunger and thirst must be at least at 25%.
  • The horse must be stabled.
  • The horse must not be at rest.
  • The horse is not for sale.
  • The loan system options must be good (only applicable when loaning a stallion/mare/breeding pasture).

Once in the breeding pasture

If the horses meet all these requirements, you can put them together in the breeding pasture. The mare and stallion will stay in the breeding pasture for that day. After the daily reset/rollover, the mare will stay in the breeding pasture for 11 more days (11 months in-game time) and the stallion will return to the stables. After those days, she will give birth to a foal if she doesn't have a miscarriage. See 'Outcomes'.

When horses are in the breeding pasture, they will not get hungry, thirsty or ill.


Healthy foal

After 11 months (11 game days), the mare gives birth to a foal. If you put inbred-free horses in the breeding pasture, you have the highest chance of a healthy foal. In an inbred-free pair, there is only a 1 in 50 chance of a miscarriage.


With twins, the mare gives birth to two foals after 11 months of gestation. The chance of having twins is 1 in 1000 and the chance of miscarriage is not higher in twins. Also, the mare's rest does not last longer after having twins. You cannot know in advance whether you will have twins, as this cannot be tested with (plus) coins.


In a miscarriage, the mare gives birth to a dead foal after 11 months' gestation. Your mare has a chance of a miscarriage if you put inbred horses out to pasture. You can read about the percentage chance of miscarriage under ‘inbreeding’. After a miscarriage, a mare is on mare rest for 5 days to recover from the miscarriage. During these 5 days, she cannot be put back into the breeding pasture.

After birth

After the birth, if everything went well, your horse will have a foal. This foal stays with its mother in the pasture until it is 1 year old. As soon as the foal reaches the age of 1 year, the mother and foal automatically leave the pasture.


When the foal is born, the mare and the foal will stay in the breeding pasture for 12 days (12 months in game). During this time, you can ‘max your foal’. You can do this in the lunging circle on your ranch page or a rented lunging circle (Menu > Rent > Lunging circle). During maxing, you will start training your foal's skills. Once you have trained these 100%, your horse is fully maxed. Read *here* more about skill points of your horse.

Mare rest

Once mother and foal are out of the pasture, the mare goes on mare rest. With a healthy foal, the mare rests for 3 days. If the foal was a miscarriage, the mare rests for 5 days. During mare rest, you cannot put your mare out to pasture.

Time table breeding

  • Mare and stallion in breeding pasture: 1 day / 1 in-game month
    The stallion will be send back to the stables after this day

  • Mare pregnant in breeding pasture: 11 days / 11 in-game months
    The mare will give birth after 11 days

  • Mare and foal in the breeding pasture: 12 days / 12 in-game months
    During this time, you can max the skill points of your foal

  • Mare rest: 3 days / 3 in-game months
    During this time, the mare can not be placed in the breeding pasture

Breeding directions

Breeding on My Horsez is most fun if you have a goal you want to breed towards. There are currently 3 breeding directions on My Horsez. Players often breed in 1 or more directions.

Breeding for colour

You can aim to breed certain colours of a breed. For each breed, it varies which colours are rare and which are not. You can check this for example in a breed chat club via the forum. To breed a certain colour, you need some insight into the genetics of horse colours. That way, you can put the right horses together that provide the best chance of getting the horse colour. You can read more about colour genetics *here*.

Breeding for skill points

Every starting horse in My Horsez has 100 skill points. One way to make a horse worth more is to get a horse's skills up. You do this by training your horse to get the competition stars of dressage and jumping as high as possible. Read *here* more information about training your horse. Read *here* more information about skill points.

The higher your horse is trained (stars), the more skill points it will give to their offspring. That's why it's a good idea to train your horses. When the foal is born, the skill points will not yet be fully full. It is therefore important to max your foal 100% by training it in the lunge circle until it is 1 year old.

If you breed with a horse that is not 100% maxed as a foal, you will have to max the foal's skills from 0. Therefore, always make sure you max your foal when it is born!

Breeding for western talent

Another discipline you can breed on is western. By default, horses have 0 western talent, but you can breed western talent to your foals. How much western talent the foal gets depends on how well the parents competed in the most recent western competition.

Your foal has a chance of acquiring western talent by doing the following:
  • Achieve as many points as possible in a western competition with the foal's mare or mare + stallion.
  • Make sure you put the parents out to pasture within 1 month after the western competition is over.
  • You are more likely to have high western talent if you win the western competition (in the top 50%, 25% or 15%, depending on the class).
  • You are more likely to have high western talent if you compete in higher (more difficult) western classes.
  • If you use parents who already have western talent, they can pass on some of their talent. In fact, part of western talent is hereditary.
When a foal is born, you cannot yet see how much western talent it has. Western talent becomes visible once the foal has entered a western competition as an adult horse. The western talent is then automatically used as points during a western competition. Read more about western *here*.

Choosing your direction

Not quite sure which direction to take? You can always contact fellow breeders in the breed club on the forum. They can often think along with you!



To know if you are going to breed with an inbred pair, look at the pedigree of the mare you want to breed with and the pedigree of the stallion you want to breed with. If there are two or more times the same horse somewhere in these two pedigrees, we speak of inbreeding. You do not need to look further than the two pedigrees shown on the mare's and stallion's profiles.

If a combination involves inbreeding, there is a higher chance of miscarriage. The chance of a miscarriage depends on the severity of the inbreeding:
  • No inbreeding: 1 miscarriage in 50 attempts
  • The pedigree of the final foal you breed contains at least one double name (inbred horse): 1 miscarriage in 3 attempts
  • If the foal has no double names in the pedigree, but the pedigrees of the foal's parents together contain at least 1x double name (inbred combination): 1 miscarriage out of 10 attempts

Checking for inbreeding

You can easily check for inbreeding by doing the following:
  • Go to the horse profiles of both the mare and the stallion you want to breed with. Write down all the names in the pedigrees (so 7 names per horse, a total of 14). Skip unknown parents.
  • Check whether certain names appear twice in the pedigrees.
  • If yes: this is an inbred combination.
  • If not: you can safely breed with this combination.

Inbreeding combination: overlap in horse names in the combination of the pedigrees of mare & stallion shown.
Inbred horse: a horse that has an increased miscarriage in combination with any horse because there is overlap of horse names within the pedigree shown on that horse's profile.

On My Horsez, you can very easily find out if a particular combination has inbreeding, by putting the combination out to pasture. You will then see a notification with information on whether it is inbred or not and what the miscarriage rate is.

Gene test

On My Horsez, it is possible to test your horses for certain genes. This is useful for colour-focused horse breeding. A gene test costs 150 pluscoins on My Horsez. You will receive the results of the gene test via DM and at the top of the pluscoin page after performing the test. On the horse's page, under the Breeding tab, you can change whether the result should be visible to everyone or only to you.

On My Horsez you can test your horses for the following genes:
  • Basic colour
  • Agouti
  • Grey
  • Rosegrey
  • Flaxen
  • Liver
  • Cream
  • Dun
  • Silver
  • Champagne
  • Pearl
  • Kit (tobiano, sabino, dominant white, roan)
  • Splash
  • Frame overo
  • Fleabitten
  • Rabicano
  • Haflinger
  • Leopard
  • Patn1
  • Patn2
  • Mushroom
  • Bend or spots
  • Birdcatcher spots

You are currently visiting the website of online horse game My Horsez!

Are you crazy about horses and can't get enough of them? Then you are completely at home here. In this horse game, you can build your own ranch and breed as many horses as you want. If you feel like a competition, you can compete against other horse lovers. Take a look at the horse market where you can buy horses and shop in the rider's shop for the most beautiful bridles, saddles, and blankets for your horses. When you create an account, you immediately get a horse to take care of. You start at the online horse game with a ranch, a mobile home, and three stables, but you can expand that to a beautiful villa with multiple stables. You can fill those stables with the most beautiful horses and foals that you can breed yourself in many different colors with the help of colour genetics. Progress through various levels and unlock all kinds of new areas and cities. The possibilities are endless.

On the forums, the vibrant center of the game, many members are active. Here you can connect with other horse lovers, ask questions, trade with each other, chat, and share experiences.