My Horsez - Wiki - The Valley

Wiki » Equada » Locations » The Valley


The Valley is one of Equada's natural beauties. You can get to the Valley by clicking on 'The Valley' on the map.

The Valley currently has 3 functions in the game:
  • Getting a starter horse
  • Buying a valley horse
  • Releasing horses

Getting a starter horse

A starter horse is the horse you are given at the beginning of the game. You pick up the starter horse during the tutorial in the Valley. Once you pick up the horse, you can look at it in your stable and name your horse. In the rest of the tutorial, you will then learn all the important places in the game to properly groom and train your horse.

All starter horses have a total of 100 skill points. This way, everyone starts equally. The colour of the horses varies, so this is a surprise.

Buying a valley horse

Here you have the opportunity to buy a valley horse. All My Horsez breeds are available and can be bought using pluscoins.

Valley horses have 100 skill points as standard.

How does buying a valley horse work?

You will see 3 horses of each breed available. The horse you see in the picture is the actual horse you buy. As soon as you buy the horse, the pluscoins will be debited from your account and the horse will move to your stables. Sometimes there can be a slight delay on this, but usually the horse is in your stables within 15 minutes.

Once you have bought a horse, the first next horse that comes into the empty space is reserved for you for 15 minutes. You can then make the choice to buy that horse too or leave it. If you leave it, the horse will be sold after 15 minutes to the next person who wants to buy that horse.

You may see a horse reserved for someone else. If you are interested in that horse, you can choose to buy that horse. The pluscoins will then be debited. However, if the person the horse is reserved for still decides to buy the horse, you get the pluscoins back after 15 minutes. If the player does not buy the horse, the horse will move to your stable after 15 minutes.

So, at some points, it may be the case that the pluscoins have been debited, but you don't have a horse yet. Then wait these 15 minutes until you either get your pluscoins back, or you get the horse in your stables. If you still feel that something has gone wrong, you can always create a ticket.

Releasing horses

You can release a horse in the valley. You will receive between 1,000 and 50,000 coins per horse for this. You can only release horses that are at least 5 years old. In addition, the horse must be vaccinated and healthy. Horses that are released will be shown as deceased on their horse profile and are removed from the game.

Once your horse is released, it cannot return to the game!

How many coins do I get for a horse I release?

  • The base valley price remains 1,000 coins.
  • If a horse has more stars, the valley price increases. This increase is mainly from the 6th star per discipline onwards. The 1st and 2nd stars do not count towards a horse's valley price.
  • When a horse is young, having stars provides a higher bonus, than when a horse is already old. Here, horses up to 7 years old are counted as young and 20+ as old.
  • If a horse is not maxed, you get a lower valley price for this horse (- 2000 coins). This is the only way the valley price can fall below the standard price of 1,000 coins. In all other cases, your horse either has the same valley value or a higher valley value.

A conscious decision was made to exclude traits such as skills and colour. Skills are already included indirectly, because if you want to breed high skills, you have to train your horse well. After all, that way you get foals with higher skills. Traits such as colour and value of specific skills, for example, are determined by members and are therefore not considered in the valley calculation. The valley calculation ensures that well-trained horses have a higher minimum value (the valley price) than untrained horses. The valley is not a value calculation system. The values of horses will always be determined between players.


In the valley, you can earn a maximum of 150,000 coins per week. If you are over your limit for the past 7 days, you will receive 3,000 coins per horse by default. This limit is set so you can't earn too much at the same time in the valley.

You are currently visiting the website of online horse game My Horsez!

Are you crazy about horses and can't get enough of them? Then you are completely at home here. In this horse game, you can build your own ranch and breed as many horses as you want. If you feel like a competition, you can compete against other horse lovers. Take a look at the horse market where you can buy horses and shop in the rider's shop for the most beautiful bridles, saddles, and blankets for your horses. When you create an account, you immediately get a horse to take care of. You start at the online horse game with a ranch, a mobile home, and three stables, but you can expand that to a beautiful villa with multiple stables. You can fill those stables with the most beautiful horses and foals that you can breed yourself in many different colors with the help of colour genetics. Progress through various levels and unlock all kinds of new areas and cities. The possibilities are endless.

On the forums, the vibrant center of the game, many members are active. Here you can connect with other horse lovers, ask questions, trade with each other, chat, and share experiences.