My Horsez - Wiki - Bonus Items

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Bonus items

There are a number of bonus items available on My Horsez. These give you benefits during certain actions in the game like training, doing chores or answering quizzeys. Bonus items are available via the post office and can be rewarded during events or promotions.

Bonus items can be found under the 'Materials' section in your inventory and activated by clicking on them. Down below you'll find an overview of all bonus items currently in the game.

✔ = exchangeable
✘ = not exchangeable

The following bonus items are available in game:

  • Golden rake ✘
  • Quizzey Elixir ✘
  • Hat of Wisdom ✘
  • Golden halter ✘
  • Golden lawnmower ✘
  • Anti poop powder ✘

Golden rake

By using this golden rake, you will earn twice as many coins as normal when doing chores in Appelmoor for two hours. The bonus starts immediately and the item can only be used once. Please note: stacking several golden rakes at once or using a rake during an already ongoing action has the same effect as one rake.

Golden rake

Quizzey Elixir

By using the quizzey elixir, you will earn twice as many coins as normal for one hour when answering quizzeys correctly. The bonus starts immediately and the item can only be used once. Please note: stacking several quizzey elixirs at once or using an elixir during an already ongoing action has the same effect as one elixir.

Quizzey Elixir

Hat of Wisdom

By using the hat of wisdom, you will earn twice as many training points for an hour as you normally do when doing user training. The bonus starts immediately and the item can only be used once. Note: stacking multiple hats of wisdom at once or using a hat during an already ongoing action has the same effect as one hat.

Hat of Wisdom

Golden halter

This shiny halter makes maxing a foal go 2x faster for 24 hours! The bonus starts immediately upon activation and the item can only be used once. In addition, it only works on foals.

Golden halter

Golden lawnmower

By using the golden lawnmower, you will earn twice as many coins as normal when doing chores in Appelmoor for 24 hours. The bonus starts immediately and the item can only be used once. Please note that using several golden lawnmowers at once has the same effect as one golden lawnmower.

Golden lawnmower

Anti poop powder

When using the Anti poop powder, your stables will stay shiny clean for 7 days.

Anti poop powder

You are currently visiting the website of online horse game My Horsez!

Are you crazy about horses and can't get enough of them? Then you are completely at home here. In this horse game, you can build your own ranch and breed as many horses as you want. If you feel like a competition, you can compete against other horse lovers. Take a look at the horse market where you can buy horses and shop in the rider's shop for the most beautiful bridles, saddles, and blankets for your horses. When you create an account, you immediately get a horse to take care of. You start at the online horse game with a ranch, a mobile home, and three stables, but you can expand that to a beautiful villa with multiple stables. You can fill those stables with the most beautiful horses and foals that you can breed yourself in many different colors with the help of colour genetics. Progress through various levels and unlock all kinds of new areas and cities. The possibilities are endless.

On the forums, the vibrant center of the game, many members are active. Here you can connect with other horse lovers, ask questions, trade with each other, chat, and share experiences.