Blog » How to – Choosing your horse’s name

This blog post was originally written by the Dutch user Asterope @ and translated by Luminescence

How to – Choosing your horse’s name
All of us probably recognize this struggle. You just got yourself a new, beautiful horse, but what should you call it? In this How to-blog, we’ll share some of our favourite tips for good names with you. Have fun reading!

Tip 1: Decide on a general theme.
Choosing names is much easier if you have a theme that the names need to come from. Some examples are the names of Greek mythological figures, your favourite movies and series, city names, your favourite food… You can choose to have a general theme for all your horses, or you could create a different theme for different breeds!

Tip 2: Choose a name that fits your horse.
Although it is of course funny to call your little Falabella ‘Giant’, you could also look for names in the 'small' category, such as ‘Mini Marshmallow’. And it’s easy to think of names that fit the appearance of that big, giant draft horse you just bought. Can you think of a good example?

Tip 3: Use your intuition!
When you wake up in the morning and look at that new foal, you of course have a feeling about it. Everyone wants their foal to turn out great and perform as expected. My advice is: use that feeling! If you have an amazing foal, give that foal a name that fits its magnificence. And when your foal didn’t turn out like you’d hoped it would, don’t be afraid to give it a name like ‘Put to sleep’ or ‘Trash’ or ‘Valley’. Sadly, there aren’t many horses that have these kinds of wonderful and original names.

Tip 4: Experiment with other languages.
Sometimes, the most beautiful names can come from other languages. Look for beautiful words in Italian, Spanish, Japanese, or whatever language you prefer! Names like ‘Kai’ (ocean in Hawaiian) or ‘Zuri’ (beautiful in Swahili) can give your horse a beautiful flair! Be sure to check the meaning and pronounciation of your name, so that it stays appropriate and respectful!

Tip 5: Touch some grass!
Joking, of course. But nature can be a wonderful source of inspiration! Think of your horse’s colour, the seasons, or elements like ‘Storm’, ‘River’, or ‘Blaze’. Nature has many beautiful words you can use as a name! Plus, they tend to be easy to remember and to pronounce, which is a huge pro in the world of horse names!

Did I miss any important tips for coming up with horse names? What is the most beautiful name you’ve ever seen on My Horsez? Be sure to let me know in the comments!

Need more inspiration? Feel free to check out this article on horse names: it contains some useful lists if you want to find a name quickly and also has a generator with thousands of names, for even more inspiration!

Posted on 25-11-2024 11:54:14

pearljam says:

I love the name Spaghetti!

Posted on 25-11-2024 12:20:45

Mistluella says:

I love the name Jacaranda, it is a purple tree

Posted on 26-11-2024 10:22:22

Ostrich. says:

my horse have a very weird name 

Posted on 26-11-2024 10:53:28

Annie says:

My horses are named after the Dark Crystal and Marvel in conjunction! It's an odd pairing but I think that's why I like it so much.

Posted on 26-11-2024 22:19:07

LeahDC says:

The name spaghetti is too cute!!!  although im more of a simple name girlie.

Posted on 28-11-2024 18:25:05

Serenity says:

One of my horses was a racehorse (he’s 5) and his old race name was Hot Diggity Dog!! 🫣 lol!


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