Blog » How to: Earning Coins

This blog post was originally written by the Dutch user Asterope @ and translated by Luminescence
How to - Earning coins
In this blog, I’ll give a couple of tips on how to earn coins! All of us can relate to that lack of coins and that saving is really important, especially if you want to have the budget to buy nice things. If you have any tips I’ve missed, be sure to write them in the comments. Have fun reading!
Tip 1:
Create a routine. First, go to Applemoor and help the villagers, then work as a stable hand and as a groom, give lessons and answer a quizzey after all that! This way, you build up a routine and then the round eventually enters your system and then it becomes automatic.

Tip 2:
Create a goal or make a deal with yourself. For example: if I can earn 10k today, I can eat an extra cookie. Or a piece of fruit, just a little bit healthier!

Tip 3:
Know all the things you can do to earn coins! You might look at the wiki to see the available ways, but you can also use the list below!
- Do your chores in Applemoor! Every three minutes, you can help the village residents and the more you help, the more coins you earn. The highest number of coins you can earn per click is 250c. This way, it goes very fast!
- Don’t forget the daily goals in Ridechapel You unlock Ridechapel in level 4 and then you can go to the employment agency. There, you can choose an easy, medium or difficult goal. When you’ve accomplished the goal, you get work points and coins, very handy!

- Give lessons. When you train yourself up to a certain star, you can give lessons to other players with horses at or below that star. You can earn ten coins per lesson, so if you’re online for a while, you can earn some extra money fast!
- On My Horsez, you can do the so-called ‘quizzeys’. These are quiz questions that earn you fifty coins per right answer. You can do a quizzey every three minutes. The questions are difficult occasionally, but don’t be afraid to use the Internet as a tool. You are not allowed to use the forum to ask quizzey answers, though.

- Working as a stable hand or groom. Other players can make their horses available for you to groom, players get to decide the amount for which this is. The twenty highest-paying horses will be on the list, so checking it occasionally is definitely worth it! You can also muck out other people’s stables: people choose the payment for that themselves too. You can work as a stable hand or a groom every three minutes.
Tip 4:
There are 35 levels on My Horsez, with which you can, occasionally, earn coins. If you complete all your four level goals, you get coins and a special item as a reward. Though levels do often cost time and coins, the earlier ones can actually be profitable!
Tip 5:
The last tip I have for you is to train for other people. You ask a trainer salary as a fee for training the horse. If you have enough time and motivation to click a couple of times a day, this can earn you quite some coins.
How nice that you’ve read this blog! Do you have any tips that I missed or questions about earning coins? Be sure to leave a comment!

Posted on 04-03-2025 02:21:50

SugarKitten says:

Love this! I struggled with saving money at first, but I learned what costs how much and whatever I gained I would save ^^ 

Posted on 04-03-2025 05:51:27

HorseLover11 says:

Great blog

Posted on 04-03-2025 12:39:14

Cliffjumper says:

Buying coins for pc has been a huge blessing early on... Helped me get breeding pastures to rent out

Posted on 04-03-2025 13:36:31

Annvil says:

 Oh this blog inspired me 

Posted on 04-03-2025 17:28:01

Levvez says:

TYSM  C: this is so helpful hehe!! i hope you all have cold pillows and that you day is going very well!!


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Are you crazy about horses and can't get enough of them? Then you are completely at home here. In this horse game, you can build your own ranch and breed as many horses as you want. If you feel like a competition, you can compete against other horse lovers. Take a look at the horse market where you can buy horses and shop in the rider's shop for the most beautiful bridles, saddles, and blankets for your horses. When you create an account, you immediately get a horse to take care of. You start at the online horse game with a ranch, a mobile home, and three stables, but you can expand that to a beautiful villa with multiple stables. You can fill those stables with the most beautiful horses and foals that you can breed yourself in many different colors with the help of colour genetics. Progress through various levels and unlock all kinds of new areas and cities. The possibilities are endless.

On the forums, the vibrant center of the game, many members are active. Here you can connect with other horse lovers, ask questions, trade with each other, chat, and share experiences.